最后附上杨琼老师对本项赛事的评语:On evaluating a speech, there are two aspects: delivery and the content. For the former, the elements of presentation are pace, pronunciation, articulation, intonation and eye contact, etc. For the later, the elements of speech writing are structure, conviction, vocabulary, timing and so on. Most of the contestants did very well in the prepared speeches. In the impromptu speeches, contestants displayed the quick response and language organizations. Most of the contestants could stay on track and be straightforward in Q&A which was followed by the speeches. Undoubtedly, we still need to make improvements on some specific point. The winners are all the contestants, because you have demonstrated your enthusiasm and your talent.
特等 边寅初, 宋天助, 余煜(峨眉),其他获奖名单详见外研社UChallenge官网。
工程英语系 杨琼供稿