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1、  欧洲福利国家的起源以及其多样性
2、  国家层面上福利国家的合法性
3、  福利国家的欧洲化
4、  国家层面上福利国家的转变
5、   “里斯本战略”与欧盟层面上的“OMC”
6、  欧盟及其成员国在社会治理方面所面临的未来挑战
1.       欧洲福利国家的共同起源
1)  工业主义
2)  大众民主
3)  欧洲民族国家的出现
2.       欧洲福利国家多样性的发源
3.       工业资本主义的局限性
         Peter Flora (ed.) Growth to Limits, The Western European Welfare States Since WWII, Introduction. Walter de Gruvter, Berlin, New York, 1986, pp. XII-XXI.
         Gaston V. Rimlinger, Welfare Policy and Industrialization in Europe, America and Russia. Department of Economics, Rice University, 1966, pp. 35-46, 51-62, 87-191.
         Karl Polanyi, Great Transformation, the Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, Beacon Press, 1957. First published 1944.
1.       市场失灵与社会反应
2.       福利国家与去商品化
3.       民主化与民族福利国家的合法性
      Anthny Forder, “Neo-classical and micro-economic theory”, in: Terry Caslin, Geoffrey Ponton &Sandra Walklate (ed.), Theories of Welfare, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London and Boston, 1984, pp. 26-50.
       Robert e.Goodin & John Dryzek, “Risk-Sharing and Social Justice: the Motivational Foundations of the Post-War Welfare State”, in Robert E. Goodin & Julian le Grand (ed.), Not Only the Poor. The Middle Classes and the Welfare State. Allen & Unwin, London, 1987, pp.37-76.
        Richard M. Titmuss, Commitment to Welfare, Unwin University Books, London 1964, pp.188-199.
       Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1990, pp.35-54.
        Harold L. Wilensky & Charles N. Lebeauex, Industrial Society and Social Welfare. A free press paperback, New York, London, 1965. Introduction and pp. 337-351.
       Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.), The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New Jersey, 1990, pp. 9-34.
        Jens Alber, “Some Causes of Social Security Expenditure Development in Western Europe 1949-1977”, in: Martin Loney, David Boswell & John Clarke (ed.), Social Policy and Social Welfare. Open University Press, Milton Keynes, Philadelphia, 1985, pp.156-170.
        Michael O’Higgins, “Issues of Redistribution in State Welfare Spending”, Ibid., pp170-182.
1.       社会政策欧洲化的缓慢进程
2.       欧盟社会治理的项目与机构
     Robert R. Geyer, Exploring European Social Policy, Polity Press (2000). Chapter I and II, pp.11-57.
Kohler-Koch, Beate/Conzelmann, Thomas/Knodt, Michele(2004): European Integration-European Governance, Beijing( in Chinese), Chapter 11.
Paul Pierson (ed.), The New Politics of the Welfare State, Oxford University Press, 2000, pp. 410-456.
Jack Hayward and Anand Menon (ed.), Governing Europe. Oxford University Press, 2003, pp346-366.
Leibfried, Stephan/Pierson, Paul(2000): Social Policy. Left to Courts and Markets?,in: Wallace, Helen and Wallace, William(eds.): Policy-making in the European Union, 4th edition, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.269-292.
   Hix, Simon(1999): Redistributive Policies, in Hix, Simon: The Political System of the European Union, London: Macmillan, pp.241-277
   Kleinman, Mark(2002): “European Union Social Policy: Policy Development and Policy-making”, in Kleinman, Mark, A European Welfare State? European Union Social Policy in Context, New York: Palgrave pp. 82-109
   Taylor-Gooby, Peter(2004): “Introdution--Open Markets versus Welfare Citizenship: Conflicting Approaches to Policy Convergence in Europe”, in Taylor-Gooby, Peter(ed.) Making a European Welfare State? Convergences and Conflicts over European Social Policy, Oxford: Blackwell, pp.1-16.
1.       1992年后对于一个更具凝聚力的民族社会政策的需求
2.       欧洲利益协调的特点
3.       欧盟多层面治理体系中演变的社会合作
Kohler-Koch, Beate/Conzelmann, Thomas/Knodt, Michele(2004): European Integration-European Governance, Beijing( in Chinese), Chapter 14.
Greenwood, Justin(2003): EU Decision-Making and Channels of Influence, in: Greenwood, Justin: Interest Representation in the European Union, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp.29-73.
Marginson, Paul(2012): The Case of European Social Dialog, in de Munck, Jean, Didry, Claude, Ferreras, Isabelle & Jobert, Annette(eds.), Renewing Democratic Deliberation in Europe: The Challenge of Social and Civil Dialogue. Brussels: Peterlang, pp97-111.
Anton Hemerijck, “The Self-Transformation of the European Social Model(s)”,  in: Gøsta Esping-Andersen (ed.), Why We Need a New Welfare State. Oxford University Press, 2002, pp.173-213.
              Linda Hantrais, Social Policy in the European Union. Second Edition, MacMillan Press LTD, 2000.
    Robert R. Geyer, Exploring European Social Policy, Polity Press, 2000
  De la Porte, Pochet and Room, “ Social Benchmarking, policy making and new governance in the EU”, in: Journal of European Social Policy, 2001, 11 (4), SAGE Publisher, London, pp. 291-307
1.       出于共同目标而整合不同社会要务
2.       欧盟内部的OMC以及治理新模式
3.       OMC所展示的利益不对称以及其对欧盟民主缺失的影响
Zeitlin, Jonathan(2005) “The Open Method of Co-ordination in Question”, in Zeitlin, Jonathan & Pochet, Philippe (eds.), The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action, P.I.E-Peterlang, pp.19-33
Pochet, Philippe(2005), “The Open Method of Co-ordinatiion and the Construction of Social Europe:A Historical Perspective”, in Zeitlin, Jonathan & Pochet, Philippe (eds.), The Open Method of Co-ordination in Action, P.I.E-Peterlang, pp.37-82
Zhou, Hong (2007) “A Chinese Perspective on Lisbon Strategy”. Asia Europe Journal, Springer, September, Volume 5-Number 3.
Zhang, Jun(2014): “Predicaments of welfare states, de-democratization and the European Common Market: the European approach towards a political transformation”, in Chinese Journal of European Studies, vol. 32, No. 1, 2014(in Chinese)
              Scharpf, Fritz W.(2003): Problem-solving Effectiveness and democratic    accountability in the EU, Max-Planck-Institut fuer Gesellschaftsforschung(MPIfG) Working Paper 03/1, February 2003.
1.       财政危机后欧洲经济重建过程中的社会政策问题
2.       社会福利的削减及其对欧盟合法性的影响
3.       成员国间经济差距扩大的状况下之社会融合前景
Anton Hemerijck (2013), Changing Welfare States, Oxford University Press, Chapter 8: Escaping the Double Bind of Social Europe. Pp. 290-332.
Rodrigues, Maria João(2009): “Beyond Lisbon”, in Hemerrijck, Anton, Knapen, Ben & van Doorne, Ellen (eds.), After Shocks: Economic Crisis and Institutional Choice, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp235-244.
Giddens, Anthony(2006): “A Social Model for Europe?”, in Giddens, Anthony, Diamond, Patrick & Liddle Roger (eds.): Global Europe, Social Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press, pp.14-36.
EU social governance and ligitimacy course

