樊莹:澳门新莆京游戏大厅国际汉语系副教授,1985年四川师范大学中文系本科毕业,1999年华东师范大学中文系语言学硕士毕业。2003年开始从事对外汉语教学至今。主要授课课型有各级汉语精读、阅读、口语和中高级汉语写作,还对新HSK 3-5级的辅导有一定的经验。2008——2010年由中国教育部派往泰国朱拉隆功大学中文系教授本科和硕士汉语课程。学术兴趣主要在汉语语用学、汉语作为第二语言习得及对外汉语教学方面,已发表文章10篇,出版教材3本(合编)。持有“汉语作为外语教学能力证书(高级)”、普通话水平一级乙等证书、大学英语6级证书等。
Fan Ying is an associate professor in the Department of International Chinese, Southwest Jiaotong University. She got her bachelor's degree in Chinese language and literature at the Sichuan Normal University in 1985 and her master's degree in linguistics at the East China Normal University in 1999. She has been a teacher of Chinese for speakers of other languages since 2003. The main courses she teaches are: Intensive Chinese Reading (at all levels), Extensive Chinese Reading (at all levels), Spoken Chinese (at all levels), Chinese Writing (intermediate and advanced levels). She also has a lot of experience in tutoring HSK (level 3-5). She was sent by the Ministry of Education to Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, in 2008 to teach Chinese courses for undergraduate and graduate students and returned to SWJTU in 2010. Her academic interests are mainly in Chinese pragmatics, acquisition of Chinese syntax by second language learners and teaching Chinese as a foreign language. She has published 10 academic articles and co-authored three Chinese textbooks. Her teaching credentials include the Qualification Certificate of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Advanced), Mandarin Certificate I (Second-level) and College English Test Band-6 Certificate.