栾慧,2007年毕业于四川大学,获得文学博士学位,并任教澳门新莆京游戏大厅国际汉语系至今, 副教授,硕士生导师。主要从事比较文学、中国现当代文学、对外汉语研究。在《文艺理论与批评》、《当代文坛》、《四川师范大学学报》、《星星诗刊》等刊物发表研究论文30余篇、诗歌作品10余篇,学术专著《中国新诗接受研究》1部。教育部重点规划教材《文学写作》、《当代应用文写作》编委。主持省级课题“欧美汉学视域中的四川当代诗人研究”1项,主研国家社会科学基金项目2项,主研教育部课题2项,主持校级课题3项。主研学术著作《中西比较诗学史》、《比较文学学科史》分别荣获四川省第14次、第15次哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖;学术专著《中国新诗接受研究》荣获四川省写作学会第八届优秀学术成果一等奖。中国比较文学学会会员,红楼梦学会会员,中国古代文论学会会员,四川省写作学会理事。2008年赴美国弗吉尼亚州ODU大学进修并获得结业证书。2010年起公派赴泰国清莱皇家大学任教一年,讲授“汉语作为第二语言教学理论”、“现代汉语语音语用研究”等研究生课程以及“商务汉语”、“中国文化”等本科课程,深受好评。先后为欧美、亚洲等各国留学生讲授对外汉语 “综合”、“阅读”、“听说”、“HSK考试辅导”、“中级汉语”、“基础汉语”等课程;2016年赴英国教授汉语。为汉语国际专业本科生与研究生讲授《论语导读》、《孟子导读》、《中国现当代文学作品选读》、《语言学概论》、《中国文化概论》、《跨文化交际》等课程。教学经验丰富,授课风格亲切生动,清晰细腻,因材施教,善于抓住学生兴趣启发引导,营造良好的课堂氛围,发现学生困惑及时解决,在语言教学中注重融入相关文化内容。
Dr Luan Hui is an associate professor and supervisor of master students of MTCSOL. She joined Dep. International Chinese Education after she graduated from Sichuan University with Ph.D in literature in 2007. Dr Luan Hui is the member of Chinese Comparative Literature Association and a Mandarin Chinese tester in Chengdu. Her academic research field is mainly on Comparative Literature and Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature. Her works “The history of Chinese and Western Comparative Poetry” rewarded the first prize of Sichuan Philosophical and Social Science Achievement in 2010. In August, 2008, she spent a year in ODU in Virginia USA to further study English language and literature.
Dr Luan Hui is a qualified bilingual teacher having experience of teaching Mandarin both in China and abroad. She has taught Chinese Reading, Comprehensive Chinese, Chinese Listening and Speaking, HSK Tutorial and Intermediate Chinese for European, American and Asian international students in SWJTU. In 2010, she was sent to teach Chinese in Chiangrai Rajabhat University, Thailand by Hanban. The courses she delivered there include The Theory of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, The Research of Chinese Phonetics and Pragmatics for post-graduate students, as well as Business Chinese, Chinese Culture, Chinese Listening and Speaking for graduate students. In 2016,She was sent to teach Chinese in UK.